I think I drink too much






When do I drink a glass of wine?

I finish work at 5.30pm and drive through peak hour traffic to arrive home by 7 pm exhausted.  I kick off the shoes and put on my “home clothes” and then with my partner sit down to a glass of wine.  Well I drink the wine and he the beer.  This has long been our tradition.  Dinner happens late in our house, usually around 9 pm as we are empty nesters and not tied to schedules around soccer, dancing, and all those other treasured memories I have.


Our weekends usually involve us catching up with friends and whilst I wouldn’t classify our lifestyle as being centred around alcohol, I am now questioning my consumption levels.


COVID19 pays a visit

I drink daily, but have always only had a maximum of 2 standard glasses of wine.  I drink because I enjoy the taste of wine.  I enjoy having the disposable income to purchase a “good bottle of wine”.  I am not a wine snob but I would never drink a wine that came from a wine cask (maybe I am a wine snob).  I drink for pleasure.  I don’t get drunk, but these days I am definitely getting tipsy most nights.  Why?

I have discovered I save myself at least 21/2 to 3 hours travel time and there is no-one at home to scrutinise or judge me.  Imagine taking a bottle of wine out of my handbag at work and pouring myself a glass of wine, but that is what I am doing working from home.  My home office has become my bar and I am liking it.


Alcohol has made me a little plump

3 months in “Iso” – Isolation to all none Australians has seen my once trim frame become a little more rounded.  My husband was very careful with his selection of words in making this observation.  Sure, drinking at 5 pm and now 2 pm sees me drinking a bottle of wine daily.  I don’t believe I have a drinking problem, but I do believe I am beginning to have a weight problem and this is going to be the “driver” to make me stop drinking wine and replacing the wine with sparkling water.

I bought myself a soda stream and fill 4 bottles in the morning and then drink all day.  When I am not drinking, I am running to the loo to pee, but that is another issue for another blog.  I stand up and I slosh – never hungry although my food intake has always been healthy.  I am not one to snack on junk because I am too vain to allow myself to get “chunky”.  Being rather short it shows fast – and not in the places I want it to show.


Am I happy with my new wine?

It is absolutely fantastic being able to drink as much as I want without any consideration to driving illegally, making a fool of myself, putting on weight or having dehydrated skin.  I am sure I have less lines around my eyes – not that I am vain of course.  Water – I am not a big fan of water, but sparkling water to replace my abuse of wine is a winner.


Now I get to watch my friends -whom have  just got out of COVID19 lockdown – whom all seem to have gained some extra kg’s – a result of  downing beer and wine after beer and wine?  I am not being judgemental, but getting drunk in your 20’s is forgivable, your 30’s embarrassing, your 40’s very immature and your 50’s – your kids don’t want to know you.


Please – to all those who have increased their alcohol consumption during this period, take a look at whether this is a problem and do something about it.


If drinking too much alcohol is a problem and you need rehab please seek help.

Money to pay for rehab – check out www.releasemysuper.com.au  



Kate Gillard

Guest Post Writer.


Release My Super